sewed, 575 pp.
sewed, revised edition, 39 pp. From: The Cambridge ancient history series
cloth, 242 pp, dustwrappers
hard cover, 704 pp, dustwrappers. The Hieroglyphic of the Papyrus of Ani.
sewed, 236 pp, ills.
sewed, revised edition, 60 pp. From: The Cambridge ancient history series
The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1898-1934
sewed, reprint, 542, ills.
sewed, revised edition, 74 pp. From: The Cambridge ancient history series
sewed, revised edition, 41 pp. From: The Cambridge ancient history series
sewed, 403 pp. Studien zur Volkswirtschaft des Vorderen Orients, Band 2
sewed, 207 pp, ills.
ing, 140 blz, ill.
gekartonneerd, 400 blz, ills, stofomslag
sewed, revised edition, 86 pp. From: The Cambridge ancient history series
sewed, revised edition, 43 pp. From: The Cambridge ancient history series
sewed, revised edition, 2 volumes, 53 & 72 pp. From: The Cambridge ancient history series
sewed, 171 pp. Thesis with Stellingen.
sewed, 171 pp. Thesis with Stellingen.
cloth, 462 pp, ills, CD with annotated bibiliographies, dustwrappers
sewed, 21 pp
ingenaaid, 171 blz, ills.
geniet, 35 blz. Rede aanvaarding ambt bijzonder hoogleraar RU Utrecht
sewed, 109 pp, ills.
hlinnen, 24 blz
sewed, 232 pp, ills.
sewed, 176 pp.
linnen, 300 blz, ills.
sewed, reprint, 482 pp.
gekartonneerd, 121 blz, ills, stofomslag
hlinnen, 390 blz, ills
Literature, culture, and empire
cloth, 1971, some ills.
sewed, revised edition, 72 pp. From: The Cambridge ancient history series
linnen, 299 blz, ills, stofomslag (beschadigd op de randen)
linnen, 285 blz, ills, stofomslag