cloth, 301 pp.
cloth, 334 pp, dustwrappers
cloth, 269 pp, dustwrappers
cloth, 315 pp, dustwrappers
cloth, 264 pp, dustwrappers
sewed, 200 pp, ills.
cloth, 176 pp, some ills.
cloth, 178 pp, some ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 2nd edition, 509 pp. Important book for scholars and students, journalists, policymakers etc.
Sikh cultural formations in an imperial world
sewed, 229 pp.
cloth, 388 pp, ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 231 pp.
sewed, 272 pp.
cloth, 243 pp, dustwrappers (slightly damaged)
cloth, 255 pp
sewed, 383 pp
cloth, 216 pp.
sewed, 320 pp
sewed, 374 pp. Interesting book about India
cloth, 242 pp, dustwrappers
sewed, 142 pp, some ills, maps
cloth, 181 pp.
cloth, 155 pp.
sewed, 91 pp
cloth, 213 pp, dustwrappers (with marginal traces of use)
cloth, 287 pp, map
sewed, 65 pp
stapled, 51 pp. Discussion Paper Series no 54
cloth, 461 pp, dustwrappers
sewed, 303 pp.
cloth, 231 pp, dustwrappers. Interesting work about the last age of the colonial period.
cloth, 112 pp, ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 252 pp.
cloth, 251 pp, ills, dustwrappers
cloth, 2 volumes, 659 pp, ills, map, dustwrappers (some damage)
cloth, 250 pp, ills, dustwrappers
paperback, 203 blz, ills.
cloth, 199 pp, some maps. Series: Central Asia Studies, volume 23
paperback, 303 blz
sewed, 401 pp.
cloth, 304 pp, dustwrappers.
sewed, 297 pp, ills.
cloth, 217 pp, dustwrappers.
cloth, 408 pp. Series: Philosophy of History and culture, nr 29
cloth, 304 pp, dustwrappers
sewed, 109 pp.
cloth, 534 pp, dustwrappers.
Indian ocean cosmopolitans
sewed, 296 pp, ills.
cloth, 363 pp, dustwrappers.
sewed, 120 pp
sewed, 472 pp, ills.
cloth, revised edition, 175 pp, ills, dustwrappers.
cloth, 268 pp, ills.
cloth, 332 pp.
Propaganda and the press in the Indian nationalist struggle, 1920-1947
cloth, 336 pp.
cloth, 274 pp, register, dustwrappers.
sewed, 26 pp, ills FAO nr 2048
sewed, 147 pp, app 100 pp annexes, ills FAO nr 1242
Case studies on social security and gender in India and Burkina Faso
paperback, 394 pp
cloth, 3 volumes, 376, 331 and 493 pp, dustwrappers (minimal traces of use. ISBN volume II: 8170362954, volume III: 8170362954
cloth, 316 pp, ills, dustwrappers
cloth, 200 pp, dustwrappers.
sewed, 286 pp
sewed, 442 pp, some ills. Academisch Proefschrift (Thesis)
cloth, 647 pp
cloth, 211 pp, dustwrappers (some damage)
sewed, 279 pp, map. Sage series in modern Indian history, VII
cloth, 238 pp.
cloth, reprint of the 1911 edition, 224 pp, ills, dustwrappers
cloth, revised edition, 133 pp, dustwrappers.
cloth, 152 pp
cloth, 288 pp, ills, dustwrappers. Interestic book about colonial India.
sewed. 4th edition, 421 pp. Reprint of the 1892 edition.
cloth, 414 pp, maps, dustwrappers.
sewed, 219 pp, ills.
cloth, 398 pp.
cloth, 248 pp, map, dustwrappers
cloth, 363 pp, maps (in text)
cloth, 200 pp
cloth, 422 pp, dustwrappers
cloth, 362 pp
sewed, 242 pp, ills.
sewed, 271 pp
cloth, 304 pp, dustwrppaers.
sewed, 290 pp, ills.
cloth, 214 pp, dustwrappers.
Including an account of the estableshment of The Royal Air Force in India
cloth, 253 pp, dustwrappers (with some damage). This a facsimile reprint of the copy of 1924
cloth, 2 volumes, 223 and 332 pp.
sewed, 444 pp, some ills.
sewed, 442 pp, some ills.
sewed, 91 pp.
sewed, 91 pp.
sewed, 426 pp, some ills.
sewed, 450 pp, some ills.
sewed, 470 pp
sewed, 458 pp
sewed, 210 pp, folding map
sewed, 218 pp, folding map
sewed, 222 pp, folding map
sewed, 229 pp, folding map