sewed, 368 pp, ills. Series African Dynamics 2.
cloth, 254 pp, register, dustwrappers.
sewed, 293 pp. Series : Historisch-vergleichende Sozialisations- und Bildungsforschung
Modalitäten der Macht im Borgou (Nord Benin)1900-1995
sewed, 325 pp, ills. Series: Studien zur Kulturkunde
sewed, 172 pp
sewed, 712 pp, ills, map. This is the enlarged edition of the book from 1995. Very complete book about the history
The history of a West African God
sewed, 300 pp, ills.
L'est du Constantinois
sewed, 159 pp, ills.
sewed, 374 pp.
sewed, 2 volumes, 640 pp, 21 pp ills.
Youth, violence, and belated histories in the Cameroon Grassfields
sewed, 362 pp, some ills.
Texte zu Gegenwart und Vergangenheiten in Südwestafrika
sewed, 147 pp.
cloth, 177 pp, dustwrappers. About Eastern Nigeria after WW II.
Colonial legacy, exile and the emergence of a new nation-state
cloth, 224 pp. Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern History, nr 10
sewed, 6 pp.
cloth, 220 pp, some ills, dusrwappers (damaged)
The origins of conflict in Darfur
cloth, 263 pp, index, dustwrappers
sewed, 387 blz
cloth, 94 pp, ills.
cloth, 665 pp, ills, maps
sewed, 376 pp, ills.
cloth, 301 pp, ills, dustwrappers. About a district in Uganda
sewed, 112 pp, ills.
sewed, 187 pp, ills.
cloth, 508 pp, map, dustwrappers
cloth, 257 pp, dustwrappers (damaged)
cloth, 345 pp.
ingenaaid, 179 blz
sewed, 446 pp, some maps
De l'École de Frankfort à la "Docta spes africana'".
sewed, 343 pp
sewed, 109 pp, some maps
Peasants and traders in the Shendi region, 1821-1885
cloth, 192 pp, map, dustwrappers
sewed, 303 pp.
sewed, 347 pp, maps
Le rôle de l'Afrique dans la rencontre de deux mondes 1492-1992
sewed, 189 pp.
sewed, 302 pp, ills.
sewed, 167 pp, ills.
Oral tradition and south-east Angolan narratives on the colonial encounter
sewed, 225 pp, some ills.
sewed, 138 pp, some ills, map
Festschrift für Bairu Tafla
sewed, 276 pp. Series: Recht und Politik in Afrika nr 3
sewed, 243 pp
sewed, 162 pp
Louis Couperus in Afrika
ingenaaid, 157 blz, ills.
sewed, 393 pp, ills.
sewed, 104 pp, map. Leipziger Arbeiten zur Geschichte Afrika nr 9
cloth, 249 pp, dustwrappers
cloth, reprint, 508 pp, ills.
cloth, 258 pp, dustwrappers.
cloth, 3rd edition, 431 pp.
sewed, 237 pp, ills.
paperback, 5de druk, 315 blz.
La collection Oscar Michaux
sewed, 325 pp, ills.
sewed, 305 pp. Serie: Heidelberger Studien
sewed, 163 pp.
sewed, 14th impression, 163 pp.
Hommage à Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch
sewed, 477 pp.
Experiences of Zambians under colonial rule, 1890-1964
sewed, 223 pp, ills. A brilliant depiction of Zambia under colonial rule.
cloth, 132 pp, dustwrappers
Economy and society in the Upper Senegal Valley (West Africa), 1850-1920
cloth, 278 pp.
sewed, 409 pp, small map
cloth, 491 pp. Reprint of the 1880 version
sewed, 2nd printing, 319 pp.
Afrikanerdom's attack on the British Empire
sewed, 215 pp.
sewed, 269 pp, ills.
sewed, 266 pp. Cahier Afrique noire no 19-20
sewed, 5e edition, 391 pp, some ills.
A social history of a circular migration system in West Africa
cloth, 384 pp, dustwrapper (some damage).
cloth, 149 pp
cloth, 174 pp, ills.
Sur la guerre et l'État colonial
sewed, 365 pp.
1783 Du troc à la découverte
sewed, 202 pp, ills.
A ghost story and a biography
cloth, 232 pp, ills, dustwrappers
cloth, 256 pp, ills, dustwrappers
stapled, 35 pp. Discussion Paper Series no 77
D'après des documents inédits
sewed, 93 pp.
sewed, 279 pp.
A history of destruction and genocide
sewed, 368 pp, ills.
cloth, 548 pp, map, dustwrappers
paperback, 355 pp
sewed, 12 pp.
cloth, 245 pp, ills.
sewed, 317 pp
cloth, 225 pp, maps
paperback, 204 pp
paperback (A4-formaat), 106 blz, ills. Uitgave tgv uitzending Spektakel (KRO)
Eine Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 1929-1939
sewed, 449 pp. Studien zur Afrikanischen Geschichte Band 7
sewed, 311 pp, ills.
ingenaaid, 79 blz
sewed, 120 pp
cloth, 299 pp some maps, dustwrappers (some damage)
Héritage ou frustration ?
sewed, 431 pp, some maps in the text
sewed, 253 pp.
cloth, 408 pp. Yearbook of European Administrative History (nr 18). In the languages: German, French and English
Publishing & imperialism in Kenya 1884-1963
sewed, 271 pp.
sewed, 436 pp, some ills. Series: History, cultural traditions and innovations in Southern Africa nr20
sewed, 237 pp
Naissance d'une nation en Afrique centrale
sewed, 287 pp, ills
sewed, 241 pp. African social studies series.
sewed, 176 pp. Dissertation
sewed, 225 pp.