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Die Philosophie der Gegenwart

Die Philosophie der Gegenwart

cloth, 163 pp

Author: Aster, Ernst von
Extra information:
Publisher: Sijthoff
Published year: 1935
Reference: w198
€ 15,00
Stock: 1
La querelle des futurs contigents (Louvain 1465-1475). Testes inédits

La querelle des futurs contigents (Louvain 1465-1475). Testes inédits

sewed, 480 pp

Author: Baudry, Léon
Extra information:
Publisher: Libr. J. Vrin
Published year: 1950
Reference: w174
€ 50,00
Stock: 1
Elementa logicae graecae

Elementa logicae graecae

sewed, 122 pp

Author: Bochenski, I.M.
Extra information:
Publisher: A.L.C.I.
Published year: 1937
Reference: w175
€ 50,00
Stock: 1
De puritate artis logicae tractatus longior. With a revised edition of the Tractatus Brevior

De puritate artis logicae tractatus longior. With a revised edition of the Tractatus Brevior

sewed, 264 pp

Author: Boehner, Philotheus
Extra information:
Publisher: The Franciscan Institute Sy. Bonaventure
Published year: 1955
Reference: w187
€ 20,00
Stock: 1
Automation in language translation and theorem proving. Some applications of mathematical logic

Automation in language translation and theorem proving. Some applications of mathematical logic

cloth, 295 pp, dustwrappers

Author: Braffort, P. and F. van Scheepen (editors)
Extra information:
Publisher: Commission EC
Published year: 1968
Reference: w193b
€ 20,00
Stock: 1
Sur la logique et la théorie de la science

Sur la logique et la théorie de la science

sewed, 68 pp

Author: Cavaillès, Jean
Extra information: Minimal traces of use
Publisher: Presses Univ. de France
Published year: 1947
Reference: w270
€ 15,00
Stock: 1
Formele logica. Een informele inleiding

Formele logica. Een informele inleiding

ingenaaid, 92 blz.

Author: Dalen, D. van
Extra information:
ISBN: 9060465601
Publisher: Oosthoek
Published year: 1971
Reference: w167
€ 12,00
Stock: 1
Direct and converse theorems. The elements of symbolic logic

Direct and converse theorems. The elements of symbolic logic

cloth, 173 pp. Intern. series of Monographs in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Author: Gradshtein, i.S.
Extra information:
Publisher: Pergamon Press
Published year: 1963
Reference: w163a
€ 14,00
Stock: 1
Der Typusbegriff im lichte der neuen Logik

Der Typusbegriff im lichte der neuen Logik

cloth, 130 pp

Author: Hempel, Carl G. und P. Oppenheim
Extra information:
Publisher: Sijthoff
Published year: 1936
Reference: w128
€ 45,00
Stock: 1
Grundzüge der theoretischen Logik

Grundzüge der theoretischen Logik

sewed, 3rd edition, 155 pp

Author: Hilbert, D. und W. Ackermann
Extra information: Cover is repaired (not really professional.
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Published year: 1949
Reference: w333
€ 10,00
Stock: 1
Grundzüge der theoretischen Logik

Grundzüge der theoretischen Logik

cloth, Vierte Auflage, 188 pp

Author: Hilbert, D. und W. Ackermann
Extra information:
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Published year: 1959
Reference: w273a
€ 20,00
Stock: 1
Logik und Logikkalkül

Logik und Logikkalkül

cloth, 248 pp, dustwrappers

Author: Käsbauer, Max und Franz von Kuschera
Extra information:
Publisher: Verlag Karl Alber
Published year: 1962
Reference: w071
€ 15,00
Stock: 1
Logico-philosophical studies

Logico-philosophical studies

cloth, 136 pp, dustwrappers

Author: Menne, Albert (editor)
Extra information:
Publisher: D. Reidel
Published year: 1962
Reference: w161a
€ 25,00
Stock: 1
Inleiding tot de logica en methodologie volgens Prof. Dr. G. Heymans

Inleiding tot de logica en methodologie volgens Prof. Dr. G. Heymans

linnen, 186 blz

Author: Pannenborg, W.A.
Extra information: Gebruiksporen band
Publisher: Sijthoff
Published year: 1941
Reference: w159
€ 10,00
Stock: 1
Korte inleiding in de Existentiephilosophie

Korte inleiding in de Existentiephilosophie

sewed, 59 pp

Author: Peursen, C.A. van
Extra information:
Publisher: Paris
Published year: 1948
Reference: w199
€ 5,00
Stock: 1
Die Unsachlichkeit der Existenzphilosophie. Neun kritische Aufsätze

Die Unsachlichkeit der Existenzphilosophie. Neun kritische Aufsätze

sewed, 2nd erweiterte Auflage, 95 pp

Author: Reidemeister, Kurt
Extra information:
ISBN: 3540052321
Publisher: Springer
Published year: 1970
Reference: w178
€ 9,00
Stock: 1
Das exakte Denken der Griechen

Das exakte Denken der Griechen

cloth, 108 pp, dustwrappers

Author: Reidemeister, Kurt
Extra information:
Publisher: Claassen & Goverts
Published year: 1949
Reference: w190
€ 14,00
Stock: 1
Mathematik und Logik bei Plato

Mathematik und Logik bei Plato

sewed, 20 pp. Hamburger Math. Einzelschriften, Heft 35

Author: Reidemeister, Kurt
Extra information:
Publisher: Teubner
Published year: 1942
Reference: w083
€ 8,00
Stock: 1
Satan in the suburbs

Satan in the suburbs

sewed, 156 pp

Author: Russell, Bertrand
Extra information:
Publisher: Penguin
Published year: 1961
Reference: w195
€ 5,00
Stock: 1
Let the people think

Let the people think

cloth, 116 pp, dustwrappers (damaged)

Author: Russell, Bertrand
Extra information:
Publisher: Watts & co
Published year: 1948
Reference: w209aa
€ 5,00
Stock: 1
Human society in ethics and politics

Human society in ethics and politics

cloth, 4th impression, 239 pp, dustwrappers

Author: Russell, Bertrand
Extra information: perfect copy
ISBN: 0041720040
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Published year: 1971
Reference: w036
€ 14,00
Stock: 1
Human knowledge. Its scope and limits

Human knowledge. Its scope and limits

cloth, 5th impression, 538 pp, dustwrappers

Author: Russell, Bertrand
Extra information: perfect copy
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Published year: 1966
Reference: w035
€ 18,00
Stock: 1
La théorie de la connaissance et la logique chez les Bouddhistes tardifs

La théorie de la connaissance et la logique chez les Bouddhistes tardifs

sewed, 253 pp

Author: Stcherbatsky, Th
Extra information:
Publisher: Paul Geuthner
Published year: 1926
Reference: w176
€ 50,00
Stock: 1
Das Wahrheitsproblem und die Idee der Semantik

Das Wahrheitsproblem und die Idee der Semantik

cloth, 2nd edition, 328 pp, dustwrappers.

Author: Stegmüller, W.
Extra information:
ISBN: 3211808868
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Published year: 1977
Reference: w024
€ 30,00
Stock: 1
Inleiding tot de symbolische logica

Inleiding tot de symbolische logica

ingenaaid, 141 blz

Author: Swart, H.C.M. de en H.G. Hubbeling
Extra information:
ISBN: 9023214218
Publisher: Van Gorcum
Published year: 1976
Reference: w166
€ 10,00
Stock: 1
John of St. Thomas. Outlines of formal logic

John of St. Thomas. Outlines of formal logic

sewed, 136 pp

Author: Wade, Francis C.
Extra information:
Publisher: Marquette Univ Press
Published year: 1955
Reference: w177
€ 20,00
Stock: 1
Theory of demonstration according to William Ockham

Theory of demonstration according to William Ockham

sewed, 186 pp

Author: Webering, Damascene
Extra information:
Publisher: The Franciscan Institute Sy. Bonaventure
Published year: 1953
Reference: w186
€ 20,00
Stock: 1
Website by Benjamin Verkleij