Texte zu Gegenwart und Vergangenheiten in Südwestafrika
sewed, 147 pp.
cloth, 220 pp, some ills, dusrwappers (damaged)
cloth, 94 pp, ills.
cloth, 257 pp, dustwrappers (damaged)
The reconstruction of an incident
cloth, 164 pp, ill, dustwrappers (damaged). About Rhodesia history
sewed, 240 pp
paperback, 250 pp
Experiences of Zambians under colonial rule, 1890-1964
sewed, 223 pp, ills. A brilliant depiction of Zambia under colonial rule.
cloth, 132 pp, dustwrappers
Afrikanerdom's attack on the British Empire
sewed, 215 pp.
Eine Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 1929-1939
sewed, 449 pp. Studien zur Afrikanischen Geschichte Band 7
cloth, 299 pp some maps, dustwrappers (some damage)
cloth, 240 pp, dustwrappers
sewed, 474 pp.
cloth, 293 pp, ills, dustwrappers. Series: Social history of Africa
Colonial rulers and their African successors
cloth, 327 pp, ills, register
sewed, 138 pp.
An historical study with special emphasis on methodist developments in the Inhambane Region
sewed, 442 pp, ills, maps. Doctoral dissertation
geniet, app 47 pp. Occasional papers, no 49
cloth, 306 pp, ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 88 pp
sewed, 274 pp
sewed, 160 pp
African education in colonial Zimbabwe 1890-1962
sewed, 252 pp
cloth, 241 pp, ills, dustwrappers.
cloth, 403 pp, some ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 107 pp, ills. Rhodesiana nr 24
sewed, 121 pp, ills. Rhodesiana nr 30
sewed, 114 pp, ills. Rhodesiana nr 25
sewed, 148 pp, ills. Rhodesiana nr 29
sewed, 109 pp, ills. Rhodesiana nr 22
sewed, 123 pp, ills. Rhodesiana nr 28
sewed, 137 pp
cloth, 227 pp.
sewed, 206 pp, ills.
The Samkange Family & African Politics in Zimbabwe 1920-64
sewed, 211 pp, ills. Series: Social History of Africa
cloth, 261 pp, ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 64 pp. Working paper 7/90
cloth, facsimile reptint of the 1939 edition, 382 pp, dustwrappers.
The race for Africa
cloth, 368 pp, ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 373 pp. Schriften zur Eur. Integration und Intern. Wirtschaftsordnung 6
sewed, 76 pp. Doctoraal thesis
A study in the history of the Anglican Diocese of Mashonaland/Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1925
cloth, 286 pp, register.
sewed, 211 pp, ills.
cloth, 385 pp, ills, dustwrappers.