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Enfants des sables. Une école chez les Touaregs

Enfants des sables. Une école chez les Touaregs

paperback, 216 pp

Author: Ag Assarid, Moussa and Ibrahim
Extra information:
ISBN: 9782848682686
Publisher: La Loupe
Published year: 2009
Reference: gwaf1313
€ 8,00
Stock: 1
The post-colonial state and civil war in Sudan

The post-colonial state and civil war in Sudan

The origins of conflict in Darfur

cloth, 263 pp, index, dustwrappers

Author: Bassil, Noah R.
Extra information: Perfect copy
ISBN: 9781789760858
Publisher: I.B. Tauris
Published year: 2013
Reference: gwaf0017
€ 65,00
Stock: 1
Une histoire de Tombouctou

Une histoire de Tombouctou

sewed, 187 pp, ills.

Author: Benjaminsen, Tor A. et Gunnvor Berge
Extra information: Perfect copy
ISBN: 274274908x
Publisher: Actes Sud
Published year: 2004
Reference: gwaf0103
€ 25,00
Stock: 1
Prelude to the Mahdiyya

Prelude to the Mahdiyya

Peasants and traders in the Shendi region, 1821-1885

cloth, 192 pp, map, dustwrappers

Author: Bjorkelo, Anders
Extra information: Small library stamp
ISBN: 9780521353366
Publisher: Cambridge Univ Press
Published year: 1989
Reference: gwaf0085
€ 14,00
Stock: 1
Civilizing women. British crusades in colonial Sudan.

Civilizing women. British crusades in colonial Sudan.

sewed, 402 pp, ills.

Author: Boddy, Janice
Extra information:
ISBN: 9780691123059
Publisher: Princeton
Published year: 2007
Reference: geschwk237
€ 25,00
Stock: 1
Contes animaliers de chz nous. Récits mystiques du Manden originel

Contes animaliers de chz nous. Récits mystiques du Manden originel

sewed, 107 pp

Author: Camara, Nènè Moussa Maléya
Extra information:
ISBN: 9782343088426
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Published year: 2016
Reference: gwaf1432
€ 10,00
Stock: 1
Souvenirs du Sahel. Zinder, Lac Tchad, Komadougou

Souvenirs du Sahel. Zinder, Lac Tchad, Komadougou

sewed, 287 pp, ill.

Author: Chapelle, Jean
Extra information: Ex library copy, Damage on the cover
ISBN: 2858027382
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Published year: 1987
Reference: gwaf1228
€ 8,00
Stock: 1
Darfur's sorrow.

Darfur's sorrow.

A history of destruction and genocide

sewed, 368 pp, ills.

Author: Daly, M.W.
Extra information:
ISBN: 9780521699624
Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press
Published year: 2007
Reference: gwaf0163
€ 9,00
Stock: 1
Britsh administration and the northern Sudan, 1917-1924

Britsh administration and the northern Sudan, 1917-1924

sewed, 279 pp.

Author: Daly, M.W.
Extra information: minimal library markings
ISBN: 9062580483
Publisher: Ned Hist-Achaeologisch Instituut
Published year: 1980
Reference: gwaf1141
€ 45,00
Stock: 1
L'exploration du Sahara.

L'exploration du Sahara.

sewed, 404 pp, ills.

Author: Durou, Jean-Marc
Extra information:
ISBN: 9782742709144
Publisher: Babel
Published year: 1993
Reference: geschwk238
€ 8,00
Stock: 1
History of the Urhobo People of Niger Delta.

History of the Urhobo People of Niger Delta.

sewed, 710 pp, ills.

Author: Ekeh, Peter P.
Extra information: Good copy.
ISBN: 9789780772888
Publisher: Urhobo Historic Society
Published year: 2007
Reference: gwaf1214
€ 295,00
Stock: 1
La vie sociale  à Dakar (1945-1960)

La vie sociale à Dakar (1945-1960)

sewed, 320 pp.

Author: Faye, Cheikh Faty
Extra information:
ISBN: 9782738498724
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Published year: 2000
Reference: geschwk119af
€ 25,00
Stock: 1
The sword and the cross

The sword and the cross

cloth, 349 pp, dustwrappers

Author: Fleming, Fergus
Extra information:
ISBN: 1862075271
Publisher: Granta Books
Published year: 2003
Reference: gwaf0026
€ 12,00
Stock: 1
A civil society deferred

A civil society deferred

The tertiary grip of violence in the Sudan

cloth, 239 pp.

Author: Gallab, Abdullahi A.
Extra information:
ISBN: 9780813036885
Publisher: Univ. Press of Florida
Published year: 2011
Reference: geschwk290
€ 18,00
Stock: 1
Conflict and politics of identity in Sudan

Conflict and politics of identity in Sudan

cloth, 143 pp.

Author: Idris, Amir
Extra information:
ISBN: 9781403969392
Publisher: Palgrave
Published year: 2005
Reference: gwaf0068
€ 20,00
Stock: 1
The southern Funj of the Sudan under anglo-egyptian rule 1900-1933

The southern Funj of the Sudan under anglo-egyptian rule 1900-1933

sewed, 21 pp

Author: Jedrej, M.C.
Extra information: Ex library copy
Publisher: Edenburgh Univ.
Published year: 1996
Reference: gwuk1176
€ 5,00
Stock: 1
State-building and land conflict in South Sudan

State-building and land conflict in South Sudan

sewed, 182 pp. Thesis

Author: Justin, Peter Hakim
Extra information:
Publisher: Eigen Beheer
Published year: 2020
Reference: gwaf1304
€ 15,00
Stock: 1
Facettes de la réalité mauritanienne

Facettes de la réalité mauritanienne

sewed, 140 pp

Author: Kettab, Mouhamed Lemine Ould El
Extra information:
ISBN: 9782296005280
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Published year: 2006
Reference: gwaf1310
€ 18,00
Stock: 1
The race for Timbuktu

The race for Timbuktu

In search of Africa's city of gold

cloth, 322 pp, ills, maps, dustwrappers

Author: Kryza, Frank T.
Extra information:
ISBN: 9780060560645
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published year: 1990
Reference: gwaf0174
€ 12,00
Stock: 1
Das Geheimnis der grossen Wüste

Das Geheimnis der grossen Wüste

Auf den Spuren des Saharaforschers Gerhard Rohlfs

cloth, 300 pp, ills, dustwrappers

Author: Langner, Rainer-K.
Extra information:
ISBN: 3100439309
Publisher: Fischer
Published year: 2004
Reference: gwaf0009
€ 18,00
Stock: 1
À la naissance du Tchad 1903-1913

À la naissance du Tchad 1903-1913

sewed, 325 pp, ills.

Author: Largeau, Victor-Emmanuel
Extra information:
ISBN: 9782842800666
Publisher: Sépia
Published year: 2001
Reference: gwaf0073
€ 25,00
Stock: 1
Structural adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa

Structural adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa

sewed, 145 pp

Author: Lensink, R.
Extra information:
ISBN: 9780582248861
Publisher: Longman
Published year: 1996
Reference: gwaf1764
€ 12,00
Stock: 1
Trek to Nuba

Trek to Nuba

cloth, 416 pp, ills, dustwrappers.

Author: Mackie, Ian
Extra information:
ISBN: 9781858212005
Publisher: Pentland Press
Published year: 1994
Reference: geschwkaf195
€ 25,00
Stock: 1
La mission Afrique centrale

La mission Afrique centrale

sewed, 281 pp, ills.

Author: Mathieu, Muriel
Extra information:
ISBN: 2738440088
Publisher: L' Harmattan
Published year: 1995
Reference: geschw380
€ 25,00
Stock: 1
Hunger und Herrschaft. Vorkoloniale und frühe koloniale Hungerkrisen im Nordtschad

Hunger und Herrschaft. Vorkoloniale und frühe koloniale Hungerkrisen im Nordtschad

sewed, 303 pp.Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte Band 63

Author: Meier, Astrid
Extra information: Some traces of use.
ISBN: 3515067299
Publisher: Steiner Verlag
Published year: 1995
Reference: gwaf0210
€ 30,00
Stock: 1

Egypte en de Soedaan

geniet, 35 blz. Rede aanvaarding ambt bijzonder hoogleraar RU Utrecht

Author: Mensing, J.P.M.
Extra information:
Publisher: Brill
Published year: 1948
Reference: gweg1091
€ 12,00
Stock: 1
La pacification du Sahara et la pénétration Sahrienne (1852-1930)

La pacification du Sahara et la pénétration Sahrienne (1852-1930)

sewed, 62 pp, ills.

Author: Meynier, O.
Extra information: Ex library copy
Publisher: Public. Comité National
Published year: 1930
Reference: gwaf0253
€ 5,00
Stock: 1
L'Ascension d'un chef africain au début de la colonisation

L'Ascension d'un chef africain au début de la colonisation

sewed, 310 pp, ills.

Author: Rothot, Jean-Paul
Extra information: Small library stamp
ISBN: 2738400132
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Published year: 1988
Reference: gwaf0303
€ 40,00
Stock: 1
Perspectives on energy security and renewable energies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Practical opportunities and regulatory challenges

Perspectives on energy security and renewable energies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Practical opportunities and regulatory challenges

sewed, 236 pp

Author: Ruppel, Oliver C. and Bernd Althusmann (editors)
Extra information:
ISBN: 9789991639109
Publisher: Macmillan Namibia
Published year: 2015
Reference: gwaf1415
€ 30,00
Stock: 1
Perpetuating the politics of praise

Perpetuating the politics of praise

sewed, 293 pp. Studien zur Kulturkunde, nr 118

Author: Schulz, Dorothea E.
Extra information: Perfect copy
ISBN: 3896452134
Publisher: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
Published year: 2001
Reference: gwaf0293
€ 65,00
Stock: 1
The western Bahr Al-Ghazal under British rule : 1898-1956

The western Bahr Al-Ghazal under British rule : 1898-1956

sewed, 183 pp.African Series, no. 57

Author: Sikainga, Ahmad Alawad
Extra information: Some markings of ex library
ISBN: 0896801616
Publisher: Ohio Univ Press
Published year: 1991
Reference: gwaf0241a
€ 20,00
Stock: 1
Der Demokratisierungsprozess in Afrika am Beispiel von Mali

Der Demokratisierungsprozess in Afrika am Beispiel von Mali

cloth, 314 pp

Author: Sissiko, Ibrahim Fagaye
Extra information:
ISBN: 383001483x
Publisher: Verlag Kovac
Published year: 2004
Reference: gwaf0222
€ 85,00
Stock: 1
Kordofan invaded

Kordofan invaded

Peripheral incorporation and social transformation in Islamic Africa

cloth, 303 pp, dustwrappers. Serie: Social, economic and political studies of the Middle East and Asia, volume 63.

Author: Stiansen, Endre and Michael Kevane
Extra information:
ISBN: 9789004110496
Publisher: Brill
Published year: 1998
Reference: geschw271af
€ 115,00
Stock: 1
Der Baumwollanbau im Tschad

Der Baumwollanbau im Tschad

Zur Problematik landwirtschaftlicher Exportproduktion in der Dritten Welt

sewed, 266 pp, some ills.

Author: Stürzinger, Ulrich
Extra information: Ex library copy.
ISBN: 3761105932
Publisher: Atlantis
Published year: 1980
Reference: gwaf0160
€ 50,00
Stock: 1
Borkou et Tibesti.

Borkou et Tibesti.

sewed, 208 pp, ills. Travaux et documents scientifiques du Tchad. Connaissance du Tchad IV

Author: Tilho, Jean et Henri Couturier
Extra information: Small damage to the cover
Publisher: Centre National à la Recherche
Published year: 1996
Reference: gwaf026
€ 20,00
Stock: 1
La France et l'Afrique. L'Afrique subsaharienne de 1914 à 1960

La France et l'Afrique. L'Afrique subsaharienne de 1914 à 1960

sewed, 316 pp

Author: Valette, Jacques
Extra information:
ISBN: 9782718137674
Publisher: Sedes
Published year: 1994
Reference: gwaf1225
€ 5,00
Stock: 1
Espana en Argelia, Tunez, Ifni y Sahara, durante el siglo XIX

Espana en Argelia, Tunez, Ifni y Sahara, durante el siglo XIX

sewed, 173 pp, some ills.

Author: Vilar, Juan Bta
Extra information: Decent ex-library copy
Publisher: Instituto de estudios Africanos
Published year: 1970
Reference: gwaf0028
€ 18,00
Stock: 1


The rise and fall of an African Empire

cloth, 235 pp, dustwrappers

Author: Warner, Philip
Extra information: Some smaller library stamps
ISBN: 0356045706
Publisher: Macdonald
Published year: 1973
Reference: gwaf0101
€ 9,00
Stock: 1
Desert frontier. Ecological and economic change along the Western Sahel 1600-1850

Desert frontier. Ecological and economic change along the Western Sahel 1600-1850

sewed, 227 pp

Author: Webb, James L.A.
Extra information: Small damagespot on the back
ISBN: 9780299143343
Publisher: Univ of Wisconsin Press
Published year: 1995
Reference: gwaf1492
€ 10,00
Stock: 1
Krieg in Afrika

Krieg in Afrika

Die nachkolonialen Konflikte in Nigeria, Sudan, Tschad und Kongo

sewed, 640 pp, some maps. Beitrage zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 23

Author: Wirz, Albert
Extra information: Some small library stamps
ISBN: 3515037527
Publisher: Steiner Verlag
Published year: 1982
Reference: gwaf0020a
€ 40,00
Stock: 1
Libya, Chad and the Central Sahara.

Libya, Chad and the Central Sahara.

cloth, 168 pp, maps, dustwrappers.

Author: Wright, John
Extra information: Marginal traces of use.
ISBN: 1850650500
Publisher: Hurst & Co
Published year: 1989
Reference: geschwk252
€ 35,00
Stock: 1
L'Ouest Saharien.

L'Ouest Saharien.

sewed, 234 pp, some ills.

Author: Yara, Ali Omar
Extra information: Good copy
ISBN: 9782747509626
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Published year: 2001
Reference: gwaf0247
€ 20,00
Stock: 1
Website by Benjamin Verkleij