paperback, 216 pp
The origins of conflict in Darfur
cloth, 263 pp, index, dustwrappers
sewed, 187 pp, ills.
Peasants and traders in the Shendi region, 1821-1885
cloth, 192 pp, map, dustwrappers
sewed, 402 pp, ills.
sewed, 107 pp
sewed, 287 pp, ill.
A history of destruction and genocide
sewed, 368 pp, ills.
sewed, 279 pp.
sewed, 404 pp, ills.
sewed, 710 pp, ills.
sewed, 320 pp.
cloth, 349 pp, dustwrappers
The tertiary grip of violence in the Sudan
cloth, 239 pp.
cloth, 143 pp.
sewed, 21 pp
sewed, 182 pp. Thesis
sewed, 140 pp
In search of Africa's city of gold
cloth, 322 pp, ills, maps, dustwrappers
Auf den Spuren des Saharaforschers Gerhard Rohlfs
cloth, 300 pp, ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 325 pp, ills.
sewed, 145 pp
cloth, 416 pp, ills, dustwrappers.
sewed, 281 pp, ills.
sewed, 303 pp.Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte Band 63
geniet, 35 blz. Rede aanvaarding ambt bijzonder hoogleraar RU Utrecht
sewed, 62 pp, ills.
sewed, 310 pp, ills.
sewed, 236 pp
sewed, 293 pp. Studien zur Kulturkunde, nr 118
sewed, 183 pp.African Series, no. 57
cloth, 314 pp
Peripheral incorporation and social transformation in Islamic Africa
cloth, 303 pp, dustwrappers. Serie: Social, economic and political studies of the Middle East and Asia, volume 63.
Zur Problematik landwirtschaftlicher Exportproduktion in der Dritten Welt
sewed, 266 pp, some ills.
sewed, 208 pp, ills. Travaux et documents scientifiques du Tchad. Connaissance du Tchad IV
sewed, 316 pp
sewed, 173 pp, some ills.
The rise and fall of an African Empire
cloth, 235 pp, dustwrappers
sewed, 227 pp
Die nachkolonialen Konflikte in Nigeria, Sudan, Tschad und Kongo
sewed, 640 pp, some maps. Beitrage zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 23
cloth, 168 pp, maps, dustwrappers.
sewed, 234 pp, some ills.