Rethinking resistance. Revolt and violence in African history.
sewed, 368 pp, ills. Series African Dynamics 2.
People and empires in African history: Essays in memory of Michael Crowder
cloth, 254 pp, register, dustwrappers.
Mädchen- und Frauenbildung in den deutschen Afrika-Kolonien (1884-1914)
sewed, 293 pp. Series : Historisch-vergleichende Sozialisations- und Bildungsforschung
Im Gewand von Herrschaft
Modalitäten der Macht im Borgou (Nord Benin)1900-1995
sewed, 325 pp, ills. Series: Studien zur Kulturkunde
L'Etat Marocain dans la duree (1850-1985)
sewed, 172 pp
Histoire de la Grande Isle Madagascar
sewed, 712 pp, ills, map. This is the enlarged edition of the book from 1995. Very complete book about the history
The history of a West African God
sewed, 300 pp, ills.
Mémoire en Images de Batna à Biskra
L'est du Constantinois
sewed, 159 pp, ills.
The Ewe Unification Movement. A political history.
sewed, 374 pp.
Aux origines de la nation ivoirienne 1893-1946
sewed, 2 volumes, 640 pp, 21 pp ills.
The intestines of the state
Youth, violence, and belated histories in the Cameroon Grassfields
sewed, 362 pp, some ills.
Namibias Postkolonialismen
Texte zu Gegenwart und Vergangenheiten in Südwestafrika
sewed, 147 pp.
Bush paths
cloth, 177 pp, dustwrappers. About Eastern Nigeria after WW II.
La pénétration francaise au Cayor. Tome I. Première et deucième parties 16 dec 1854-28 mai 1861
sewed, 503 pp, ills, maps
The origins of the Lybian Nation
Colonial legacy, exile and the emergence of a new nation-state
cloth, 224 pp. Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern History, nr 10
Ports of the Arab Worlds: an annotated bibliography
sewed, 6 pp.
Politics in a changing society
cloth, 220 pp, some ills, dusrwappers (damaged)
The post-colonial state and civil war in Sudan
The origins of conflict in Darfur
cloth, 263 pp, index, dustwrappers
Les fondements de l'état de droit en Afrique précoloniale
sewed, 387 blz
Cecil Rhodes
cloth, 94 pp, ills.
Völkerkunde von Afrika mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der kolonialen Aufgabe
cloth, 665 pp, ills, maps
Wives of the leopard. Gender, politics, and culture in Kingdom of Dahomey
sewed, 376 pp, ills.
Bunyoro, tropical paradox
cloth, 301 pp, ills, dustwrappers. About a district in Uganda
Ein Jahrhundert Tee am Kamerunberg
sewed, 112 pp, ills.
Une histoire de Tombouctou
sewed, 187 pp, ills.
Stanley's despatches to the New York Herald 1871-1872, 1874-1877
cloth, 508 pp, map, dustwrappers
Labour, race and colonial rule.
cloth, 257 pp, dustwrappers (damaged)
Religious conflict and the evolution of language policy in German and French Cameroon, 1885-1939
cloth, 345 pp.
Arts in de tropen. Dokter in 't oude Indië en 't nieuwe Afrika
ingenaaid, 179 blz
Les Francais en Afrique noire de Richelieu à Mitterrand
sewed, 446 pp, some maps
Théorie critique et modernité négro-africaine
De l'École de Frankfort à la "Docta spes africana'".
sewed, 343 pp
The decolonization of Africa
sewed, 109 pp, some maps
Prelude to the Mahdiyya
Peasants and traders in the Shendi region, 1821-1885
cloth, 192 pp, map, dustwrappers
Ghana. One decade of the liberal state.
sewed, 303 pp.
Petit précis de remise à niveau sur l'histoire africaine à l'usage du président Sarkozy
sewed, 347 pp, maps
L'Afrique entre l'Europe et l'Amérique
Le rôle de l'Afrique dans la rencontre de deux mondes 1492-1992
sewed, 189 pp.
Les sauvages d'afrique
sewed, 302 pp, ills.
Saint-Louis du Senegal. Ville aux mille visages.
sewed, 167 pp, ills.
Grandmother's footsteps
Oral tradition and south-east Angolan narratives on the colonial encounter
sewed, 225 pp, some ills.
Souvenirs de la mission. Savorgnan de Brazza
sewed, 138 pp, some ills, map
Auf dem Weg zum modernen Äthiopien
Festschrift für Bairu Tafla
sewed, 276 pp. Series: Recht und Politik in Afrika nr 3
Noirs et blancs dans l'Afrique noire francaise ou comment le colonisé devient colonisateur (1870-1914)
sewed, 243 pp
On transforming Africa. Discourse with Africa's leaders
sewed, 162 pp
Recherches et etudes Camerounaises
sewed, 372 pp.
Een dandy in de Oriënt.
Louis Couperus in Afrika
ingenaaid, 157 blz, ills.
Imperialism, Race and Resistance. Africa and Britain 1919-1945
sewed, 393 pp, ills.
Die Wahrnehmung und Herausbildung von Ethnizität in Deutsch-Ostafrika
sewed, 104 pp, map. Leipziger Arbeiten zur Geschichte Afrika nr 9
The trouble with Africa. Why foreign aid isn't working
cloth, 249 pp, dustwrappers
Across Africa
cloth, reprint, 508 pp, ills.
The colonial office and Nigeria, 1898-1914
cloth, 258 pp, dustwrappers.
Chez les Hova (au pays rouge)
cloth, 3rd edition, 431 pp.
Villes d'Afrique. Explorations en histoire urbaine
sewed, 237 pp, ills.
De Luulu à Tervuren
La collection Oscar Michaux
sewed, 325 pp, ills.
Die Elementarschule in Algerien
sewed, 305 pp. Serie: Heidelberger Studien
The scramble for Africa
sewed, 14th impression, 163 pp.
The scramble for Africa
sewed, 163 pp.
Mama Africa
Hommage à Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch
sewed, 477 pp.
Guardians in their time
Experiences of Zambians under colonial rule, 1890-1964
sewed, 223 pp, ills. A brilliant depiction of Zambia under colonial rule.
Slaves, peasants and capitalists in southern Angola 1840-1926
cloth, 132 pp, dustwrappers
From frontier to backwater
Economy and society in the Upper Senegal Valley (West Africa), 1850-1920
cloth, 278 pp.
Francais et Africains. Les noirs dans le regard des blancs 1530-1880
sewed, 409 pp, small map
History of the Zulu war and its origin
cloth, 491 pp. Reprint of the 1880 version
Hirtorical problems of Imperial Africa
sewed, 2nd printing, 319 pp.
The occupation of Namibia
Afrikanerdom's attack on the British Empire
sewed, 215 pp.
Histoire des villes et des societes urbaines. Volume 2. Villes coloniales
sewed, 269 pp, ills.
Histoire et devenir de l'Afrique noire au XXème siècle.
sewed, 266 pp. Cahier Afrique noire no 19-20
L'Afrique noire de 1800 à nos jours
sewed, 5e edition, 391 pp, some ills.
Hoe & Wage
A social history of a circular migration system in West Africa
cloth, 384 pp, dustwrapper (some damage).
Surprizing narrative
cloth, 149 pp
Tropisches Afrika.
cloth, 174 pp, ills.
Coloniser exterminer
Sur la guerre et l'État colonial
sewed, 365 pp.
L'afrique noire à l'époque charnière
1783 Du troc à la découverte
sewed, 202 pp, ills.
Sara Baartman and the Hottentot Venus
A ghost story and a biography
cloth, 232 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Letters from the horn of Africa 1923-1942.
cloth, 256 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Historical demography and the effects of the slave trade in Africa: an analysisof the major quantitative studies
stapled, 35 pp. Discussion Paper Series no 77
Alphonse Vangele (1848-1939)
D'après des documents inédits
sewed, 93 pp.
Britsh administration and the northern Sudan, 1917-1924
sewed, 279 pp.
Darfur's sorrow.
A history of destruction and genocide
sewed, 368 pp, ills.
The real paradise. Memories of Africa 1950-1963
cloth, 548 pp, map, dustwrappers
The black man's burden. Africa and the curse of Nation-State.
paperback, 355 pp
Ports of the African continent: a working bibliography
sewed, 12 pp.
Schweizer im kolonialen Afrika
cloth, 245 pp, ills.
L'Éclipse des dieux. Grandeur et désespérance des peuples noirs
sewed, 317 pp
Imperialism's new clothes
cloth, 225 pp, maps
Sociobiz. Chroniques impertinentes sur l'économic et l'enterprise
paperback, 204 pp
paperback (A4-formaat), 106 blz, ills. Uitgave tgv uitzending Spektakel (KRO)
Das koloniale Zimbabwe in der Krise
Eine Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 1929-1939
sewed, 449 pp. Studien zur Afrikanischen Geschichte Band 7
La résistance contre l'occupation coloniale en Région Forestière. Guinée 1800-1930
sewed, 311 pp, ills.
Lokroep. Gedichten
ingenaaid, 79 blz
Portugiesischer Kulturimperialismus in Angola
sewed, 120 pp
Namibia and Southern Africa. Regional dynamics of decolonization 1945-1990
cloth, 299 pp some maps, dustwrappers (some damage)
Djibouti 1888-1967
Héritage ou frustration ?
sewed, 431 pp, some maps in the text
Le Gabon: Approche pluridisciplinaire
sewed, 253 pp.
Colonial administration in Africa between central policy and local reality
cloth, 408 pp. Yearbook of European Administrative History (nr 18). In the languages: German, French and English
Never be slient
Publishing & imperialism in Kenya 1884-1963
sewed, 271 pp.
Herrschaft, Macht und Einfluss. Koloniale Interaktionen am Kavango (Nord-Namibia) von 1891 biz 1921
sewed, 436 pp, some ills. Series: History, cultural traditions and innovations in Southern Africa nr20
Africa and the academy
sewed, 237 pp
L'héritage de la Congolie
Naissance d'une nation en Afrique centrale
sewed, 287 pp, ills
Constructing history, culture and inequality:
sewed, 176 pp. Dissertation
Constructing, history, culture and inequality
sewed, 241 pp. African social studies series.