sewed, 398 pp.
sewed, 122 pp, some ills.
sewed, 65 pp.
sewed, 354 pp, some ills.
paperback, 88 blz.
sewed, 171 pp, some ills.
sewed, 204 pp
sewed, 310 pp, ills.
sewed, 293 pp. Studien zur Kulturkunde, nr 118
sewed, 458 pp, ills. Series: Erziehung und Gesellschaft im internationalen Kontext, nr 10
sewed, 149 pp. Inventaire des archives historiques privées du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale de 1858 à nos yours
sewed, 402 pp
cloth, 249 pp.
cloth, 204 pp, map, dustwrappers.
Colonial capitalism, rural industrialization, African land right in Kenya, and the Kakamega gold rush, 1930 - 1952
sewed, 270 pp, ills.
sewed, 183 pp.African Series, no. 57
Cultural effects of forced migration
sewed, 164 pp, ills.
sewed, 281 pp, ills.
cloth, 314 pp
cloth, facsimile reptint of the 1939 edition, 382 pp, dustwrappers.
Das koloniale Französisch-Westafrika 1919-1939
sewed, 208 pp, map.
cloth, 179 pp, ills R. Hellgrewe, 2 coloured folding maps. In Old German writing.
cloth, 110 pp, dustwrappers.
cloth, 198 pp, dustwrappers
Peripheral incorporation and social transformation in Islamic Africa
cloth, 303 pp, dustwrappers. Serie: Social, economic and political studies of the Middle East and Asia, volume 63.
cloth, 446 pp, dustwrappers
sewed, 126 pp
sewed, 195 pp
Zur Problematik landwirtschaftlicher Exportproduktion in der Dritten Welt
sewed, 266 pp, some ills.
sewed, 352 pp
sewed, 75 pp
sewed, 142 pp.
ingenaaid, 319 blz
Le ciel et les sables sont grands
sewed, 468 pp, some pages with ills.
ou le prix du combat pour l'égalité
sewed, 177 pp.
The race for Africa
cloth, 368 pp, ills, dustwrappers
European rule in West Africa 1880-1960
cloth, 567 pp, ills.
sewed, 208 pp, ills. Travaux et documents scientifiques du Tchad. Connaissance du Tchad IV
Identities between Integration and Conflict
sewed, 328 pp
cloth, 291 pp, ills, dustwrappers.
sewed, 246 pp, ills.
sewed, 80 pp.
cloth, 293 pp, dustwrappers
ingenaaid, 239 blz, ills.
sewed, 173 pp, some ills.
sewed, 373 pp. Schriften zur Eur. Integration und Intern. Wirtschaftsordnung 6
sewed, 633 pp, some ills.
sewed, 267 pp
Their implications for the framing of blackness and African personhood 1800-1960
sewed, 131 pp
The rise and fall of an African Empire
cloth, 235 pp, dustwrappers
hlinnen, 175 blz. Bijdragen: Wauters (communisme), Bulck (Orthographie Congo Belge), Bangba (peuplades de l'Eule)
sewed, 343 pp, ills.
sewed, 343 pp, ills.
A study in the history of the Anglican Diocese of Mashonaland/Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1925
cloth, 286 pp, register.
ingenaaid, 5de druk, 250 blz.
cloth, 224 pp, ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 58 pp, ills.
Chronicles of political officers in West Africa
cloth, 419 pp, ills, dustwrappers (small trace of use)
Die nachkolonialen Konflikte in Nigeria, Sudan, Tschad und Kongo
sewed, 640 pp, some maps. Beitrage zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 23
sewed, 234 pp, some ills.
cloth, 219 pp, dustwrappers.
sewed, 250 pp
sewed, 227 pp
Histoire, représentations et devenir de deux enclaves espagnoles
sewed, 320 pp, ills.
cloth, 385 pp, ills, dustwrappers.