sewed, 179 pp
sewed, 293 pp. Series : Historisch-vergleichende Sozialisations- und Bildungsforschung
cloth, 244 pp, maps
linnen, 224 blz, enkele litho's
sewed, 2e Auflage, 526 pp, ills. Ausstellung Deutschen Historischen Museum 1990
gekartonneerd, 191 blz, ills. Text in Dutch and German
sewed, 579 pp. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Úberseegeschichte nr 13
cloth, 665 pp, ills, maps
paperback, 144 blz, ills. voorwoord Heinrich Böll
sewed, 112 pp, ills.
Festrede Luitpold von Bayern (7 März, 1911)
sewed, 48 pp.
sewed, 229 pp.
sewed, 185 pp.
Zo was het
ingenaaid, 64 blz, ills.
sewed, 104 pp, map. Leipziger Arbeiten zur Geschichte Afrika nr 9
sewed, 34 pp, some ills.
gebrocheerd, 190 blz.
sewed, 322 pp, ills.
sewed, 208 pp, ills.
British and Cape government perceptions of German rule in Namibia from Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty to the Kruger Telegram (1890-1896)
sewed, 260 pp, some illustrations.
cloth, 255 pp, ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 436 pp, some ills. Series: History, cultural traditions and innovations in Southern Africa nr20
1970, 2de, lin , 220 blz, ill, stofomslag.
sewed, 151 pp, ills.
sewed, 341 pp, ills.
sewed, 94 pp. Thesis. Old German writing.
sewed, 345 pp
sewed, 273 pp, some ills. Series: History, cultural traditions and innovations in Southern Africa nr 8
sewed, 191 pp, some ills.
Fälle aus Deutsch-Neuguinea und Britisch-Neuguinea 1884-1914
sewed, 235 pp, some ills.
Rheinland-Verlag 1971, 2nd, sewed, 157 pp, ills, map.
stapled, 21 pp, ills. In Mitteilungsblatt des Traditionsverbandes
cloth, 347 pp
sewed, 266 pp, ills.
sewed, 218 pp, 2 maps
sewed, 81 pp, map. Written in old German language
cloth, 164 pp, ills, dustwrappers.
cloth, 240 pp, ills.
sewed, 49 pp
paperback, 622 pp. Band 5. Die DDR und die Dritte Welt
ingenaaid, 219 blz, ills.
sewed, 274 pp
sewed, 97 pp, 3 ills, tables. Book in old German language
Keizer van Duitsland-Koning van Pruisen-Banneling in doorn
gekartonneerd, 192 blz, ills, stofomslag
sewed, 183 pp, ills.
Stereotype, Vorurteile, Feindbilder und Rassismus
sewed, 372 pp, ills.
sewed, 2 volumen (Band I and II), 194 and 187 pp, ills.
sewed, 508 pp. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 73
cloth, 244 pp, ills, dustwrappers
cloth, 178 pp. Series: Contributions in Comparative Colonial Studies
ingenaaid, 205 blz
Uitg Over den Dom, ing, 367 blz.
sewed, 176 pp, ills.
cloth, 235 pp, ills, dustwrappers
cloth, 316 pp, ills.
sewed, 219 pp
hlinnen, 104 blz, ills.
cloth, 68 pp.
sewed, 2. erweiterte Auflage, 36 pp, ills. Beitrage zur deutschen Kolonialgeschichte, Band 3
Beispiele eines vertrauensvollen zusammenwirkens (1883-1896)
sewed, 43 pp. Beitrage zur deutschen Kolonialgeschichte, Band 7
paperback, 195 pp, ills.
cloth, 224 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Hendrik Witbooi - eine Biographie in zeitgenössischen Quellen
sewed, 259 pp, some ills. Series: History, cultural traditions and innovations in Southern Africa nr 10
Mehrdeutige Repräsentationsräume und früher Kosmopolitismus in Afrika
sewed, 262 pp, ills.
Proceeding conference Yaoundé, 2003
sewed, 149 pp, ills. Part of the articles are in English, other in French
Forum 1971, ing, 230 blz, ill.
I. Die 25 frühesten Landreisen, II. Die Berichte der Rheinischen Mission bis zum Jahre 1846
sewed, 2 volumes, 224 & 224 pp, ills, maps
Essays on the role of Australia and New Zealand in World Politics in the Age of Imperialism
sewed, 576 pp.
sewed, 6th edition, 128 pp, ills, DVD.
linnen, ca 60 bij 50 cm. 1 : 25.000
paper, 100 - 80 cm.
sewed, 32 pp, ills. Beitrage zur deutschen Kolonialgeschichte, Band 2
sewed, 591 pp.
1 page of 61 - 92 cm. Ills in colour.
sewed, 96 pp, ills.
sewed, 96 pp, ills.
sewed, 370 pp, ills, maps, advertisements
sewed, 2 volumes, 239 pp
A German colonial account
sewed, 121 pp, some maps
Geographie zwischen Politik und Kommerz
sewed, 241 pp, ills. Mitteilungen, Band 88
cloth, 396 pp, some maps, dustwrappers
sewed, 167 pp, dustwrappers (some damages)
Technik, Organisation und Kampfverfahren
cloth, 637 pp, ills, register, dustwrappers
sewed, 523 pp, ills.
Die Norddeutsche Missiongesellschaft an der Goldküste und in Togo bis zum Ausbruch des ersten Weltkrieges
cloth, 644 pp, ills, maps. Dissertation
sewed, 281 pp, ills.
ingenaaid, 162 blz, ills.
sewed, 378 pp, some ills. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte Band 72
Deutsche Verlags-Gesellschaft 1932, lin, 709 blz.
sewed, 246 pp.
sewed, 118 pp
sewed, 31 pp.
Geschichte einer Nationalität im Werden
sewed, 186 pp, ills. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 56
sewed, 273 pp. Serie: HMRG Beihefte, nr 66
The case of German New Guinea
sewed, 620 pp, register
sewed, 466 pp. Rechtshistorische Reihe 349.
cloth, reprint from the edition 151-1853, 2 volumes /1 cover.192 and 227 pp.
sewed, 204 pp
sewed, 117 pp, 27 maps. German language