United Kingdom
Becoming imperial citizens
sewed, 272 pp.
British economic thought and India 1600-1858. A study in the history of development economics
cloth, 243 pp, dustwrappers (slightly damaged)
London. 2000 years of a city and its people
cloth, 377 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Civilizing women. British crusades in colonial Sudan.
sewed, 402 pp, ills.
Monopol und Freihandel. Britische Kaufleute in Buenos Aires am Vorabend der Unabhängigkeit (1806-1825)
sewed, 198 pp. Series: Beiträge zur Europäischen Überseegeschite 94
Samenleving in puin. Sociologische waarnemingen in West-Duitsland
ingenaaid, 85 blz.
The decline and fall of the British Empire 1781-1997
paperback, 786 pp, some ills.
Britain and the Netherlands in Europe and Asia. Papers delivered to the Third-Anglo-Dutch historical conference
cloth, 264 pp, dustwrappers
Fading pictures
cloth, 267 pp, ills, dustwrappers.
Politics and empire in Victorian Britain. A reader.
sewed, 343 pp.
Imperialism, Race and Resistance. Africa and Britain 1919-1945
sewed, 393 pp, ills.
British imperialism. Innovation and expansion. 1688-1914/1914-1990
sewed, 2 volumes, 504 and 337 pp
Head dresses of the British Army
sewed, 88 pp, ills.
Forging the rainbow. Labour immigrants in British Mauritius
sewed, 131 pp
Britain and West Africa
sewed, 71 pp, ills.
The workshop of the world. British economic history 1820-1880
paperback, 164 pp
British rule and the Indian economy 1800-1914
sewed, 91 pp
History of the British Army Infantry collar badge
cloth, 332 pp, ills.
Opgaven der scheepsonkosten in alle de havens, binnen-havens en inhammen van Groot-Brittannië, Ierland en derzelfder eilanden
hlinnen, 237 blz.
The making of British colonial development policy 1914-1940
cloth, 326 pp, dustwrappers
British oversea investment in the nineteenth century
sewed, 79 pp
Capital formation in the industrial revolution
paperback, 261 pp.
A new historical geography of England before 1600
sewed, reprint, 316 pp, ills.
A new historical geography of England after 1600
sewed, reprint, 460 pp, ills.
English overseas trade 1500-1700
sewed, 63 pp
Victorian Jewellery.
cloth, 80 pp, ills, dustwrappers
The first industrial revolution
sewed, 295 pp
The mind of official imperalism
British and Cape government perceptions of German rule in Namibia from Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty to the Kruger Telegram (1890-1896)
sewed, 260 pp, some illustrations.
The impact of British efforts to suppress the slave trade
sewed, 27 pp. Presentation 21th Annaul Meeting African Studies Baltimore
Imperial commonwealth
cloth, 544 pp
The classical republicans. An essay in the recovery oa a pattern of though in seventeenth-Century England
cloth, 229 pp
Origins of the industrial revolution
paperback, 114 pp
The rise and fall of the British nanny
sewed, 350 pp, ills.
Report on foreign manoeuvres in 1912
sewed. reprint, 139 pp.
Politicians, soldiers and national defence. Military policy in Britain and the Netherlands 1870-1914
paperback, 293 pp. Proefschrift
Kolonialismus und Kannibalismus
Fälle aus Deutsch-Neuguinea und Britisch-Neuguinea 1884-1914
sewed, 235 pp, some ills.
Groot-Brittannië en zijn onderhoorigheden
ingenaaid, 64 blz
Empire of the clouds. When Britain's aircraft ruled the world
paperback, 376 pp, ills.
The village labourer
sewed, 4th edition, 301 pp. English social history 1760-1830
The causes of the industrial revolution in England
paperback, 177 pp
The British settlement of Natal. A study in Imperial Migration
sewed, reprint, 351 pp, index, map
Colonialism and development. Britain and its tropical colonies, 1850-1960
sewed, 420 pp
Wellington"s Army. The uniforms of the British soldier, 1812-1815
cloth, 39 pp text, 60 pp text and full colour plates, dustwrappers. Plates by Charles Hamilton Smith.
Queen Victoria in her letters and journals
cloth, 374 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Badges and uniforms of the Royal Air Force
cloth, 143 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Triumph of the expert
Agrarian doctrines of development and the legacies of British colonialism
sewed, 402 pp. Series in Ecology and History
Regions and industries. A perspective on the industrial revolution in Britain.
cloth, 277 pp, dustwrappers
De fatale kust Het epos van Australië
ing, 740 blz. De geschiedenis van de Britse strafkolonie Australië en de mensen die daarvan deel uitmaakten tussen 1787 en 1868.
Winston Churchill
The greatest future of our time
sewed, 68 pp, ills
Coronation 1953
Queen Elizabeth II
sewed, 68 pp, ills
The southern Funj of the Sudan under anglo-egyptian rule 1900-1933
sewed, 21 pp
Britain and Nyasaland.
cloth, 315 pp, dustwrappers (damaged).
Firearms of the British Army
Muskets & Rifles 1600-1990
sewed, 32 pp.
Der weisse Kampf um Afrika. Band 1. Englands afrikanischer Imperium
cloth, 523 pp, ills.
Rule Britannia
cloth, 280 pp, ills.
Aspekte deutsch-britischer Expansion. Die Überseeinteressen der deutschen Migranten in Grossbritannien in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts
sewed, 508 pp. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 73
The making of Victorian England
sewed, 312 pp
Grass in their mouths: The Upper Doab of India under the Company's Magna Charta, 1793-1830
cloth, 647 pp
Muslim endowments and society in British India
cloth, 211 pp, dustwrappers (some damage)
Lord Haldane's zending naar Berlijn in 1912. De Duitsch-Engelsche onderhandelingen over de vlootquaestie 1905-1912.
Uitg Over den Dom, ing, 367 blz.
Slenteren in Londen
ing, 261 blz, ills. Toeristische wandelroutes door Londen.
The British empire 1558 - 1983.
sewed, 430 pp, some maps. Series : The short Oxford history of the modern world
The Scottish regiments in the British Army
cloth, 111 pp.
Sovereignty and social reform in India. British colonialism and the campaign against sati, 1830-60
cloth, 152 pp
1857. War of Independence or Clash of Civilizations ? British Public Reactions.
cloth, 288 pp, ills, dustwrappers. Interestic book about colonial India.
Bengalen im Umbruch. Die Herausbildung des britischen Kolonialstaates 1754-1793
sewed, 469 pp
Great Britain and Ireland. Travel guide
cloth, 672 pp, 72 plans in black, 16 plans in colour. The Nagel Travel Guide Series
The first industrial nation. An economic history of Britain 1700-1914
paperback, 522 pp
'K was vreemdeling in Engeland. Een humoristich handboek voor beginnelingen en meergevorderden
ingenaaid, 79 blz
The growth of English overseas trade in the 17th and 18th centuries
sewed, 196 pp
Imperial white. Race, diaspora and the British Empire
sewed, 212 pp.
Writing India 1757-1990. The literature of British India
sewed, 271 pp
Decolonisation & after. The British and French experience
cloth, 367 pp, dustwrappers
The German Empire and Britain's Pacific Dominions 1871-1919
Essays on the role of Australia and New Zealand in World Politics in the Age of Imperialism
sewed, 576 pp.
Sarawak. The political and economic background
document (stencil), 11 pp. . This document was Not for Publication.
Badge Backings & Special Embelishments of the British Army
sewed, 307 pp, ills.
Dress regulations 1857
sewed, reprint, 155 pp.
The first to be freed. British Military Administration in Eretrea and Somalia 1941-1943
sewed, 70 pp, ills.
This is Britain.
ing, 40 blz, ills.
The origin and British colonial impact on the cosmopolitian community of Ilorin in the 20th century
sewed, 302 pp.
Die Bevölkerung in den wichtigsten britischen Überseegebieten
sewed, 343 pp
De administratieve rechtspraak in Engeland.
Eigen Beheer 1937, ing, 318 blz.
British imperial policy and decolonization 1938-64. Volume 1/2
Volume 1: cloth, 403 pp, dustwrappers (small damage); volume 2: sewed, 601 pp
Family recollections
sewed, 93 pp, ills.
General Lord Wolseley (of Cairo). A Memoir
sewed, reprint, 482 pp.
Creating the Arabian Gulf. The British Raj and the invasions of the Gulf
sewed, 311 pp, ills.
Rural India. Land, power and society under British rule
cloth, 314 pp, dustwwrappers
The Eighteenth Centrury Commonwealthman
sewed, 462 pp
Macht in de zeventiende eeuw. Engeland en Nederland kwantitatief vergeleken
ingenaaid, 160 blz, ills.
Der britische Rückzug aus Singapore 1945-1976
sewed, 230 pp, map.
The expansion of England. Race, ethnicity and cultural history
sewed, 262 pp
Die Protestantische Mission und die Ausdehnung des Britischen Empires
sewed, 413 pp.
The rise & fall of British India. Imperialism as inequality
paperback, 275 pp
Our colonial expansian. Extracts from the "Expansion of England"
sewed, 96 pp
Colonial development. Die Grundlegung moderner Entwicklungspolitik durch Grossbritannien 1919-1949
sewed, 736 pp, some ills, maps. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 31
Colonial development. Die Grundlegung moderner Entwicklungspolitik durch Grossbritannien 1919-1949
sewed, 736 pp, some ills, maps. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 31
British imperialism 1750-1970
sewed, 152 pp, some maps
The pattern of imperialism. The United States, Great Britain, and the late-industrializing world since 1815
sewed, 308 pp
Journalists for empire
cloth, 275 pp
Sprachpolitik im Britischen Empire. Herrschaftssprache und Integration in Ceylon und den Föderierten Malaiischen Staaten
cloth, 309 pp, dustwrappers