sewed, 272 pp.
cloth, 243 pp, dustwrappers (slightly damaged)
cloth, 377 pp, ills, dustwrappers
paperback, 320 pp, ills.
sewed, 402 pp, ills.
sewed, 198 pp. Series: Beiträge zur Europäischen Überseegeschite 94
ingenaaid, 85 blz.
paperback, 786 pp, some ills.
cloth, 264 pp, dustwrappers
cloth, 267 pp, ills, dustwrappers.
sewed, 343 pp.
sewed, 393 pp, ills.
sewed, 2 volumes, 504 and 337 pp
sewed, 88 pp, ills.
sewed, 131 pp
sewed, 71 pp, ills.
paperback, 164 pp
sewed, 91 pp
cloth, 332 pp, ills.
hlinnen, 237 blz.
cloth, 326 pp, dustwrappers
sewed, 79 pp
sewed, 801 pp, some ills.
paperback, 261 pp.
sewed, reprint, 316 pp, ills.
sewed, reprint, 460 pp, ills.
sewed, 63 pp
cloth, 80 pp, ills, dustwrappers
sewed, 295 pp
British and Cape government perceptions of German rule in Namibia from Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty to the Kruger Telegram (1890-1896)
sewed, 260 pp, some illustrations.
sewed, 27 pp. Presentation 21th Annaul Meeting African Studies Baltimore
cloth, 544 pp
cloth, 229 pp
paperback, 114 pp
sewed, 350 pp, ills.
sewed. reprint, 139 pp.
paperback, 293 pp. Proefschrift
Fälle aus Deutsch-Neuguinea und Britisch-Neuguinea 1884-1914
sewed, 235 pp, some ills.
ingenaaid, 64 blz
paperback, 376 pp, ills.
sewed, 4th edition, 301 pp. English social history 1760-1830
paperback, 177 pp
sewed, reprint, 351 pp, index, map
sewed, 420 pp
cloth, 39 pp text, 60 pp text and full colour plates, dustwrappers. Plates by Charles Hamilton Smith.
cloth, 143 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Agrarian doctrines of development and the legacies of British colonialism
sewed, 402 pp. Series in Ecology and History
cloth, 277 pp, dustwrappers
ing, 740 blz. De geschiedenis van de Britse strafkolonie Australië en de mensen die daarvan deel uitmaakten tussen 1787 en 1868.
The greatest future of our time
sewed, 68 pp, ills
Queen Elizabeth II
sewed, 68 pp, ills
sewed, 21 pp
cloth, 315 pp, dustwrappers (damaged).
Muskets & Rifles 1600-1990
sewed, 32 pp.
cloth, 523 pp, ills.
cloth, 280 pp, ills.
sewed, 508 pp. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 73
sewed, 312 pp
cloth, 647 pp
cloth, 211 pp, dustwrappers (some damage)
Uitg Over den Dom, ing, 367 blz.
ing, 261 blz, ills. Toeristische wandelroutes door Londen.
sewed, 430 pp, some maps. Series : The short Oxford history of the modern world
cloth, 111 pp.
cloth, 152 pp
cloth, 288 pp, ills, dustwrappers. Interestic book about colonial India.
sewed, 469 pp
cloth,224 pp, ills, dustwrappers
cloth, 672 pp, 72 plans in black, 16 plans in colour. The Nagel Travel Guide Series
paperback, 522 pp
ingenaaid, 79 blz
sewed, 196 pp
sewed, 212 pp.
sewed, 271 pp
cloth, 367 pp, dustwrappers
cloth, 342 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Essays on the role of Australia and New Zealand in World Politics in the Age of Imperialism
sewed, 576 pp.
document (stencil), 11 pp. . This document was Not for Publication.
sewed, 307 pp, ills.
sewed, reprint, 155 pp.
sewed, 70 pp, ills.
ing, 40 blz, ills.
sewed, 302 pp.
sewed, 343 pp
Eigen Beheer 1937, ing, 318 blz.
Volume 1: cloth, 403 pp, dustwrappers (small damage); volume 2: sewed, 601 pp
sewed, 93 pp, ills.
sewed, reprint, 482 pp.
cloth, 314 pp, dustwwrappers
sewed, 462 pp
ingenaaid, 160 blz, ills.
sewed, 230 pp, map.
sewed, 262 pp
sewed, 413 pp.
paperback, 275 pp
sewed, 96 pp
sewed, 736 pp, some ills, maps. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 31
sewed, 736 pp, some ills, maps. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 31
sewed, 152 pp, some maps
sewed, 308 pp