The past and future of Pakistan
cloth, 342 pp, some page with ills, dustwrappers
Nature Culture Imperialism
Essays on the environmental history of South Asia
cloth, 376 pp, dustwrappers
Barbaren und weisse Teufel
Kulturkonflikte und Imperialismus in Asien vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert
sewed, 172 pp.
Russia's protectorates in central Asia. Bukhara and Khiva, 1865-1924
cloth, 416 pp, ills.
Regionalism & globalization in East Asia
sewed, 324 pp
The Myth of Sangri-La. Tibet, travel writing and the western creation of sacred landscape
cloth, 308 pp, dustwrappers
Locations of Buddhism. Colonialism & modernity in Sri Lanka.
cloth, 237 pp, dustwrappers.
Frontier constitutions. Christianity and colonial empire in the nineteenth-century Phillippines.
cloth, 372 pp, dustwrappers.
Regionale disparitäten der Mortalität in West-Malaysia
Eine bevölkerungsgeographische Untersuchung mit einer Fall-Kontroll-studie zur Kindersterblichkeit in Perlis und Kuala Terengganu
sewed, 341 pp, some ills.
The scattered image. Construction and deconstruction of the village in colonial Asia
sewed, 49 pp. Series: Comparative Asian Studies 2.
Labour migration and rural transformation in colonial Asia
sewed, 82 pp. Comparative Asian studies 5
Korea in the Middle. Korean studies and area studies
sewed, 380 pp, some ills.
Visualizing American empire. Orientalism & Imperialism in the Philippines
sewed, 213 pp, ills.
The state and ethnic politics in South-East Asia
sewed, 354 pp
Fading pictures
cloth, 267 pp, ills, dustwrappers.
Paradise in Peril
Western colonial power and Japanese expansian in South-East Asia, 1905-1941
sewed, 2 volumes, 880 pp.
A history of the Pacific Islands
sewed, 239 pp
De ontdekking van Amerika. Scheepsjournaal 1492-1493
ingenaaid, 239 blz, ills.
The transmission of knowledge in South Asia. Essays
cloth, 336 pp, dustwrappers
Mediating Nertherlandish art and material culture in Asia
cloth, 348 pp, ills. Amsterdam studies in the Dutch Golden Age
José Rizal. Der Nationalheld der Filipinos
sewed, 88 pp
Tibet aan tafel
ing, 141 blz. Beschrijving van de Tibetaanse eetcultuur in hogere en lagere kringen
Kapitaal. ondernemerschap en beleid. Studies over economie en politiek in Nederland, Europa en Azië van 1500 tot heden
linnen, 624 blz, stofomslag
Histoire du Viêt-Nam de 1940 à 1952
sewed, 474 pp.
Die Tätlichkeit einer Idee. Modernisierung am Beispiel des Kemubu-Bewässerungsprojekts in West-Malaysia.
cloth, 409 pp, ills, register.
De ondergang van De Sperwer
gekartonneerd, 2de druk, 190 blz, ill G. Douwe.
De magische driehoek. Sri Lanka - Indonesië - Thailand
ingenaaid, 191 blz, ills. Gesigneerd door auteur
Pacifisch Azië
ingenaaid, 156 blz, ills
In the shadows of the tropics. Climate, race and biopower in nineteenth century Ceylon
cloth, 212 pp, some ills.
Die chinesische Minderheit im Süden Vietnams (Hoa) als Paradigma der kolonialen und nationalistischen Nationalitätenpolitik
sewed, 703 pp, 9 pp ills.
Een samenleving in crisis. Continuïteit en verandering in de Tonkin-delta, 1802-1927
ingenaaid, 267 blz. Proefschrift
The Philippine Banana Industry: Confronting the challenge of agrarian reform
sewed, 76 pp, ills.
Annam-Tonkin 1885-1896. Lettres et paysans vietnamiens face la conquête coloniale.
sewed, 294 pp.
Reorient: Global economy in the Asian Age
sewed, 416 pp
Islamic narrative and authority in Southeast Asia
cloth, 253 pp, dustwrappers
Jan Kompenie as schoolmaster. Dutch education in Ceylon 1690-1795
sewed, 205 pp. Proefschft with Stellingen. Historische Studies XXXIV
Asia meltdown. The end of the miracle ?
sewed, 137 pp.
Rebellion in Laos
Peasant and politics in a colonial backwater
sewed, 224 pp
Le Laos
sewed, 186 pp, ills.
Himalayan barbary
cloth, 2nd edition, 241 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Watching over Hong Kong
cloth, 230 pp, ills, dustwrappers. Hong Kong Studies Series
König Kopra. Die Marianen unter deutscher Herrschaft 1899-1914
sewed, 218 pp, 2 maps
Pearls, Palms and Riots
cloths, 104 pp, ills, dustwrappers
Het Amerikaansch bestuur over de Philippijnen
ing, 28 blz.
Hoog in de ijle lucht. Het verslag van de Himalaja-expeditie.
Scheltens 1962, lin, 283 blz, ill.
Hete loempia's, vreemde weeshuizen en een Thaise tweeling
gekartonneerd, 319 blz
Het gedroomde rijk. Een groot Centraal-Azië 1917-1942
paperback, 235 pp, some page with ills.
Naar de hoogste top der aarde
linnen, 2de druk, 249 blz, ills.
L'Archipel des Épices. La corruption de l'administration espagnole aux Philippines (fin XVIIIe - fin XIXe siècle)
cloth, 421 pp, dustwrappers
Histoire des femmes en situation coloniale. Afrique et Asie, XXe siècle
sewed, 240 pp
Human rights violations in Arakan
sewed, 177 pp. Signed by the author
Repression of Montagnards. Conflicts over land and religion in Vietnam's central highlands.
sewed, 192 pp.
Transcending borders. Arabs, politics, trade and Islam in Southeast Asia
sewed, 246 pp. Proceedings KITLV 5
Southeast Asia : A testament
sewed, 350 pp, ills.
Development of capitalism in agriculture.
sewed, 146 pp. thesis
Soldaten van God. Onder de mujahidin in Afghanistan
ingenaaid, 272 blz.
Agrarpolitik im unabhängigen Malaya, 1957-1982
sewed, 375 pp. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 30
Décolonisation du Viêt Nam un avocat témoigne
sewed, 207 pp
Vietnamese communisn 1925-1945
cloth, 379 pp, dustwrappers (library sign)
Bangladesh at the crossroads
cloth, 365 pp, dustwrappers
Economic development in East Asia
cloth, 253 pp, dustwrappers
Philippine independence
cloth, 278 pp, dustwrappers
Boeren, Fransen en rebellen. Een studie van boerenverzet in een midden-vietnamese regio (1880-1940)
ingenaaid, 299 blz, ills. Proefschrift
Asian energy security
The maritime dimension
cloth, 236 pp
Challenging the limits
Indigenous peoples of the Mekong region
sewed, 379 pp.
Malaya unter Britischer Herrschaft.
sewed, 86 pp, 2 maps.
Foreign investment in Southeast Asia in the twentieth century
sewed, 240 pp
Arts of the South Seas
cloth, 197 pp, ills, dustwrappers
From source to scourge. Drugs and legislation in Singapore 1819-1992
sewed, 309 pp. Thesis
De eeuw van Azië. Een onafwendbare mondiale geschiedenis
gebrocheerd, 336 blz
Perspectives of mutual encounters in South Asian history 1760-1860
cloth, 363 pp, dustwrappers. Serie: Social, economic and political studies of the Middle East and Asia, volume 73.
Economic development of Thailand, 1850-1950. Response to the challenge of the world economy
paperback, 265 pp. Thesis
Bengalen im Umbruch. Die Herausbildung des britischen Kolonialstaates 1754-1793
sewed, 469 pp
Democracy with Hong Kong characteristics: 1990s Student Activism during the Transition
sewed, 21 pp. Working Paper
A new and interesting description of the Lao Kingdom
sewed, 76 pp
The Qajar pact. Bargaining, protest and the state in 19th-century Persia
cloth, 214 pp, dustwrappers
Social engineering in the Philippines. The aims, execution, and impact of American colonial policy, 1900-1913
cloth, 268 pp, ills.
Trans-Asia motoring
cloth, 254 pp, ills, dustwrappers
South-East Asia 1930-1970. The legacy of colonialism and nationalism
sewed, 144 blz, ills
Another Asia
cloth, 282 pp, ills.
South-East Asia between two worlds
cloth, 358 pp
The new world of southeast Asia
cloth, 445 pp
Focus on the region in Asia
sewed, 347 pp.
Asian drama. An inquiry into the poverty of nations
sewed, 3 volumes, cassette
An approach to the Asian drama. Methodological & theoretical
sewed, 679 pp
Memory, truth-telling, and the pursuit of justice. A conference on the legacies of the Marcos dictatorship
sewed, 304 pp
The east asian miracle. Economic growth and public policy
sewed, 389 pp
Bengalens Fluch and Segen. Die indische Juteindustrie in spät- und nachkolonialer Zeit
sewed, 288 pp, ills.
Southeast Asia. An illustrated introductory history
sewed, 6th impression, 263 pp, ills.
The transition in open dualistic economies. Theory and southeast asian experience
cloth, 306 pp, dustwrappers
The future of South-East Asia
cloth, 126 pp, dustwrappers (minimal damage)
Asia and western dominance
sewed, 364 pp
Remapping East Asia
sewed, 315 pp
Hidden hands and divided landscapes
A penal history of Singapore's plural society
cloth, 354 pp, ills. Book with blind cover.
Voor een peso geboren. Voor honderd dollar verkocht. Prostitutie en vrouwenhandel in de Philippijnen
geniet, 48 blz, enkele ills.
Zuidoost-Azië. Een eeuw van onvervulde verwachtingen
linnen, 589 blz, ills, stofomslag
Zuidoost-Azië. Een eeuw van onvervulde verwachtingen
linnen, 589 blz, ills, stofomslag
Rethinking development. Essays on development and Southeast Asia
cloth, 258 pp, dustwrappers
Thai Buddhism in the buddhist world
sewed, 178 pp, ills
Islamic legitimacy in a plural Asia
cloth, 197 pp